Truth About Getting Into The Vine program | Money Struggle Success

Truth About Getting Into The Vine program
The Amazon Vine Program was very new to me until I was offered the opportunity to join a little over a year ago.
I had no idea this was even a real thing, although I have seen many inquiries regarding a reviewer job with Amazon.
This brought about the clarity that it is not an actual job; it is an at-will type of program that you choose to participate in with the promise of free products given to Viners by many sellers on Amazon hoping for a review.
I always see a new YouTube video claiming the individual can tell you how to get into the program, but the truth is no one can tell you how to get into the program because Amazon has to personally invite you.
There are some things you can do to help Amazon find you and give you that invitation, but no one person can tell you besides Amazon, and they are very tight-lipped about a lot of things.
Hearing many different people's experiences about how they receive invites and what they did gave me some clarity on what could be something you can do to get the invite from Amazon.
What can you do to get the Amazon Vine Invite?
1. Make sure the email address you have listed on your Amazon account regarding your orders is up to date and that you check it regularly. Also, make sure to check your junk/spam folder because many people have found their initial invites in that area.
2. When you receive your products from Amazon, write a completely honest review. This review does not have to be good; it can be bad, and if you're not too sure, just write a very good review based on your personal thoughts about the product.
The most important part of this review is that you attach a photo and or video showing the product in real life.
Written reviews are not as popular as it was many years ago because people want to actually see this product and use it in a real person's house.
You want to pay close attention to writing your reviews because when people like your review and give it a thumbs up, this truly got me invited into the Amazon program because I had over 2,000 likes on my comments for a few products.
3. You get standing with Amazon, which means no return abuse, no other type of things Amazon frowns upon that could disqualify you in the future if your name ever comes into their possession to offer you the opportunity to get into Vine.
That's it!
It's really short, but this is all it takes to get an invite to the Amazon Vine Program.
Doing these three simple things consistently will help you get noticed by Amazon to get your official invite.
Staying consistent with writing your reviews will allow you to build up the necessary skills you need to make a review for the products if you choose to do so.
You are not obligated to do reviews for these products, but Amazon strongly encourages you to do because not doing reviews could get you removed from the program.
That is all!