No Longer A TikTok Influencer Due To Violations

It is day 6, which is now April 26th, 2024, and I have a lot to talk about. After my last post, I didn't do half of the things I mentioned, including the YouTube and Pinterest portions, because TikTok has literally gone crazy.
So I have read and I have seen many videos about people talking about TikTok giving them a random violation on their accounts, which stops them from making any type of income as a TikTok influencer.
Now, if you're new to me, I do have a YouTube channel where I talk about different products that I receive. I decided to make a TikTok account because these products are also being sold on TikTok, and you can earn a percentage of the sale when people make a purchase on TikTok, just like you can do from the Amazon influencer program.
I am all for finding different ways to make more money using the same products I already have without worrying about finding new products. However, TikTok decided one day that I was violating something I had no idea about, and I still need to understand. They suppressed my video views, and now, whenever I upload a new video, I get no views.
I tried to appeal it, but they denied it. I said, screw it!
Now, depending upon who you are as an individual, you may feel that you want to fight it and try to get back in their good graces to still make this money. I can agree with that, but I'm not that individual because I did nothing wrong on my account to even go through what I am experiencing, and I'm not about to beg a platform to put me back in good graces when I did nothing to fall out of good grace. I had to take a step back and reevaluate my time and realize that although I wanted to utilize TikTok in a way to help me make more money, I should look at this from the perspective of maybe using TikTok to gain more exposure for my YouTube channel and also my Colorbum brand I'm trying to build and less about making money from TikTok itself.
Think about it! There are millions of people who have accounts on TikTok, and use it only for exposure to their actual websites and to make money from their stand store or any other type of clickable link to get income. Some may have decided to let me take advantage of what TikTok has to offer. Still, in every program TikTok offers, I've always seen thousands of people complain about something and others just saying I'm just going to write it until something bad happens. Then, when something bad happens, they have no other solutions to making income.
I've already been burnt by them from this one situation, so I no longer care about making money from TikTok when there are so many other resources out here to make money, including from my own stuff. So, TikTok, for me, is now a place where I am just going to talk about things to get exposure and get traffic back to my YouTube channel, my blog, and my brand, Colorbum.
TikTok income made up for Amazon Influencer shortage
I literally had a battle in my brain because I knew that the TikTok income I was receiving were doing a great job of supplementing what I was lacking from the Amazon influence program since they made their changes. This is why I want to get away from relying 100% on these outside sources and only focus on my own stuff because it is mentally exhausting always needing to learn something new because they did a change and don't want to tell you exactly what that change is and how it's going to affect you. And then you get the shock of your money decreasing randomly, and you're trying to scramble to make up for it.
Honestly, I have never experienced any of the dramas that I have experienced from the Amazon influence program and the TikTok influencer program on YouTube, Pinterest, or my blog.
I now know where I stand with the TikTok influencer program, and I am going to focus more of my attention on the things that will help me increase my income with sales for my products from Colorbum. I want more exposure on TikTok and Pinterest to get people to know about my brand and products while still managing my other social media accounts and blogs.
I tell everyone who is in the world of influencers or associates not to rely on one source of income for reasons like this. People make thousands of dollars on TikTok, but as soon as something bad happens, their whole world is going to come crashing down because they only focus on TikTok. After all, that is what was giving them that influx of cash, and they did not prepare themselves for what is inevitable do something to make your account go bye-bye and make you jump through hoops.
That's my opinion. I hope it doesn't happen to most people, but so far, everybody, even big people I have seen, has jumped through many hoops to get their account back and good graces to still get that money.
A lot of eggs in my basket
Like investing in stocks, I don't rely on one source of income to help me pay my bills and save money monthly. From the Amazon influencer program, my YouTube channels, my blogs, my books sold on Amazon KDP, my shirts sold on Amazon merch, and my little sales coming in from my Colorbum products, I will be okay!
I am going to be okay because I have prepared myself for this type of situation years in advance so that I can always fall back on the many sources of income that I have coming to me to make up for whatever transpires with apps like TikTok.
This is your sign to make sure you have multiple streams of income coming to you every single month. If you find an app like TikTok that gives you thousands of dollars a month, remember those other sources because TikTok is not guaranteed! Unfortunately, none of these are guaranteed.
At the End Of April, I will Get Things done!
I have literally 4 days left of April before May comes, and I will work those last four days to accomplish everything I was going to do regarding my YouTube and Pinterest account for Colorbum. I have also been tinkering around with the idea of using AI as a support with ideas on how to run these businesses. I'm going to be talking about that as well in May. Hopefully, it will give me some results because my little brain is exhausted at this point, and any help would help without me needing to spend money for this help.