Youtube Confusion And TikTok Is Back
It is now May the 13th, 2024, and my focus is back on YouTube. I was able to get my account reinstated as far as being an affiliate with TikTok, and that alone took quite a few weeks, which is why I haven't posted a new blog to really just wait and see how it will play out.
I am now able to post videos that are not getting zero or less than ten views, and I can tag products in my new videos now and back to earning commission.
I am now getting over 200 views as I once was before. I have yet to do much with TikTok due to my last violation. So that account will now just sit there, and I will post things whenever I feel like it, as my old videos still earn me money every month, not as much as before, but something.
My biggest obstacle is trying to understand the best content to create for this new brand of mine on YouTube.
My first attempt at seeing what people liked was posting shorts and advertising the products I was going to be selling on TikTok.
All of my videos receive views, but I don't have the right content for the type of channel I'm trying to build an audience for, and that's where brainstorming now comes into play.
Every platform reacts differently to content based on how you created it. Because this is so new to me, I need to understand the right content to create for my new brand so that people who are looking for that kind of content will see it.
It will resonate with them, and they will want to come to my channel to learn more. Right now, it is not about making sales at all; it's just about getting people to know about my channel and possibly subscribing to it.
The best way to go about this is to look at other accounts that are very similar to mine, and most of them are doing things I don't want to do, so I'm trying to see what a good middle-ground option is for me.
When you have multiple means of income, you have to be able to divvy up your time equally so that you're not leaving anything behind, especially when you are focusing on the main things.
I have learned my lesson from being 100% focused on the Amazon Influence program a few years ago, so now I am working by doing a little bit on the most important things that I am focusing on so that I am putting time and effort into them as best as I can and that has been working out for me.
Because I do not know the best long-form content to use for my new brand right now, I am going to focus on YouTube shorts. This is the easiest way for my content to be seen by a lot of people, and I don't have to worry about the pressure of making a long video that may not do too well in the macro.
I do realize that some of the content done by others who deal with book educational content and just talking about different items they have in a certain fashion while recording it and also doing it in their workbooks or on their tablets or whatever is a good option that I will try.
I want to try to really focus on making and selling digital content and that means advertising my content by not selling it just showing people that it is around. This will involve me working on many of the different pages while speaking or having some type of music that will make people stop swiping and watch the video to to make them curious enough to click my profile.
YouTube has a section for researching what people are looking for, which is in the bucket of what your channel is all about. I decided to take a look at that section, and it has a lot of things that I could talk about, but the execution is where I am drawing a blank.
Many examples of other videos that are doing what they are saying people are looking for is all about being a teaching channel for children to watch versus a channel of delivering information for the parents of the children, which is what I am more focused on versus being a channel dedicated to children watching my videos to learn concepts and skills.
The other type of channels I have found similar to mine deal with the creator making videos for parents on how to create these digital products and physical books for their kids with a step-by-step tutorial using Canva.
That does not interest me either, as that will take a lot of time out of my day, which again takes away from my just wanting to show the products that I am offering for parents to utilize for their kids. Getting this channel monetized is not my concern at all.
My primary focus for this YouTube channel is to build brand recognition and relationships with those who will see my content and want to buy from me. Just like TikTok, I will need to try many different things to see what works, continue to dig inside the YouTube videos to find which ones are doing what I want to do, and take inspiration to do my own thing.
This is a lot of work and will take a lot of time, so it will not be a quick turnaround, which is how it goes when you are doing something completely different that you are not used to doing, and that's okay. My hope is I stumble upon what I am looking for rather quickly. Patience is ultimately what we need to have and practice at this stage, but it's just so hard!